About Us
We’re a group of passionate people doing what we love most, creating awesome game experiences for players all around the globe!

We believe that HTML5 is the best-suited technology to reach this mission. As our games can be played and enjoyed by everyone in the world with an internet connection. No downloads, no app stores, no walled gardens. We want to offer instant fun to everyone! Technology is evolving rapidly and HTML5 is reaping the benefits of this: faster internet (5G anyone?), hardware in a phone is now capable of more than the best computer could do 10 years ago and of course more and more developers are creating content in HTML5 and thus everyone is facilitating a more mature environment that forms the fundament for successful games that are played by millions.

We believe that we can reach this by focussing on our own strengths. Every team member within Wanted 5 has their own unique skills, interest and expertise. These skills are linked to responsibilities making it very transparent for everyone involved who is doing what. The person with the most skills and interest in a specific subject get's that responsibility and is also the one making the decisions related to this subject. So no hierarchy based on title, but decision-makers within Wanted are based on skill and interest. This does not mean we can't have heated discussions, on the contrary, but when it comes to the decision, it's the call from the specialist (and not the director, VP or executive). This approach takes away a lot of distractions around a project, allowing us to focus on what's important, the game itself!

We found each other because of our shared passion for games, but in the past 5 years we found out that we have so much more in common than only a passion for games. This makes Wanted a great place to work with open-minded people who are interested in each other. Having such a diverse team with unique individuals makes Wanted a place where people find themselves respected, understood and special.

Who we are

Team Members

Weikang Hu
Lead Game Developer
Rick Gijsen
Creative Director
Robin Maree
Jord de Kooning
Aaron Ligthart
Game Developer
Sonja van Vuure
Art Director
Nick Schrama
Senior 3D Artist
Tim De Graaff
Game Developer
Charlie Yau
Game Developer
María Laura Fiotek
Junior 2D Artist
Victor Horbach
Strategic Advisor
Robert Gielisse
Legal Advisor
Niels van Eijk
Game Developer
Justin Witte
Game Developer
Benie Kiampanga
Office Assistant Intern
Samira Hoenders
Animation Intern
Lars Pluijmakers
Game Developer Intern
Wessel Cramer
3D Artist
Let's build your game
We believe in long-term partnerships. Ready to build your game?
Contact us